Amor Yaoi
Fanfics yaoi en español

Nombre: Konan Shimizu Uchiha · Fecha: 31/08/14 04:24 · Capítulo: You're the sun and I'm the moon.

No me jodas, tienes que hacer un segundo capítulo, una continuación, no sé. ALGO ;A; Fue hermoso, y de verdad, un capítulo de cómo continuó no iría mal... ¿Lo considerarías? :D -pone la sonrisa más convincente que puede-

Creo que con ese intento de amenaza te he dado a entender que me encantó, ¿cierto?

La personalidad de Hiroki fue muy divertida, amo esos personajes directos que dicen justo lo que menos quieres escuchar <3

Una galletita para ti por tan buen fic :3
Iré a hacerle publicidad en mi círculo cercano~~

Hablando en serio, esta pareja es tan poco explotada que merece más fics ;3; Son perfectos juntos <3 Mientras tanto, seguiré acosando a tu Zou del rol :D Así hasta que hagas más fics =3=



Nombre: Ruu · Fecha: 27/08/14 22:15 · Capítulo: You're the sun and I'm the moon.

Hi dear Ruu ~ this is the other Ruu :3

I read this story this afternoon and I loved it so much! But such words can't explain how much I really loved it. I'll try my best to describle, but I don't think it'll express...

First of all, you caught my attention since the beginning. I adore the way you can express their feelings. I really felt bad for HZ, I really got anxious when he was about to take his own life. You just made me see the story through his eyes, really. Even though I can't write or talk in Spanish I'm just so glad I can at least read in Spanish so I could enjoy this story.

When Hiroki saved him I felt relieved too, and it was just so adorable the way he was taking care of HZ since the first second! Also, I laughed a lot when Hiroki shoved his face in the water haha it was epic :'D and what I adore the most about it, is that I truly believe that this is something they'd do (I mean the park of one getting drunk and the other shoving his face down in water to make his mind clear lol) 

I have the feeling that the person who left him was Tsune. Am I right? I assume this just because of your previous fic though xD

Also the part in the car was just so cute, too! Hiroki giving him his number and adding a happy face :'3

Honestly, you made me melt with your words. As I already said on twitter, you made me feel that great warm feeling inside myself that you get when you see something so cute you just can't contain a silly smile!

Also, the part about the heavy man inside home with Hiroki made me laugh more :'D omg

and then the kiss...

It was just so great to read. It was so gentle and you wrote it so well I felt I was inside the car watching them kiss and I felt amazing at this part. You made me wish for more ;3; 

I just really wish it had a continuation though ;3; and I really hope you can write more about them soon.

I hope that by this you can feel at least a big of HOW MUCH I LOVED THIS FIC.

Thanks once again for writting this! You're a great writer!


Kisses ~ 


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