Kardia De Escorpio por AMMU TEIKOKU YUDAINA
No menores de 13 años; Reviews1Un libro dedicado a nuestro querido Kardia De Escorpio, aquí verán One Shot, escritos loquillos, algunas parejas de este bichito, cosas que se me van ocurriendo de repente.
Los personajes le pertenecen a Masami Kurumada y Shiori Teshirogi, lo mio es la historia.
Kanon De Dragón Marino por AMMU TEIKOKU YUDAINA
No menores de 16 años; Reviews0Libro dedicado a nuestro lindo Kanon De Dragón Marino, así que disfruten todas las parejas que llegara a tener.
Por el momento... Iniciamos con Rada.
Así que disfruten del buen yaoi.
Los personajes le pertenece a Masami Kurumada, la historia me pertenece a mi.
Kisses and Blood por PinkuBurakku
No menores de 18 años; Reviews0
Después del inicio y antes del fin, nace una historia. Wade quiere construir esa historia, Tony esta seducido por construir esa historia; la ambición, les da un pequeño empujón que por poco los deja inconscientes del duro golpe. Antes de Iron Man, antes de Deadpool; solo son Wade y Tony.
Semi AU.
Wade época militar - Tony siendo Tony.
Kravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes por thoudie6
No menores de 10 años; Reviews0than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthousthan 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthousthan 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthousthan 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthousthan 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthous
Kizuna por elenaa
Todos los publicos; Reviews0Estaban solos y desprovistos de amor, dos niños ahogados por el odio; compartían un dolor similar, pero tomaron caminos diferentes.
Kinktober Multifandom 2022 por PinkuBurakku
No menores de 18 años; Reviews0Sexo, avaricia, egoísmo, celos y perversión; todo en el mismo intento delirante e idílico de trama con nuestros finales felices preferidos.
#kinktoberm2022 #afangirlshipper #multifandom2022 #kinky
Kravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 por weetdent3
No menores de 18 años; Reviews2nd the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and hpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out tpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a cour
No menores de 18 años; Reviews1Generos: Yaoi, Angustia, Drama, Romántico, Tragedia
Advertencias: Lemon, Muerte de un personaje, Tortura
Pareja principal: Iori x Kyo
Parejas secundarias: K'XKula, Kensou X Athena, Nameless X Isolde
Capítulos escritos: 02/--
Finalizado: NO
La pelea contra Orochi fue sumamente difícil, pero los tesoros pudieron contenerlo. Iori despierta en un sitio extraño, al salir Chizuru le dice que Kyo ha desaparecido.
Nuevos contrincantes, un nuevo enemigo en común, la búsqueda de la espada por parte de la joya ha comenzado.
No menores de 13 años; Reviews0Un libro dedicado a nuestro pequeño corderito hermoso, incluiré pequeños One Shot variados, principalmente yaoi o notas de algún pequeño escrito como este.
Saben que no siempre hago historias con finales felices.
Los personajes le pertenecen a Masami Kurumada, lo mio es la historia.
No menores de 16 años; Reviews0Libro dedicado a este caballero de Acuario antiguo, por lo tanto solo serán parejas con él, pero les diré que no lo juzguen por su apariencia, sin duda los va a sorprender, por que es capaz de ser seme si lo desea.
Los personajes le pertenecen a Masami Kurumada, la historia es solo mía.
Feliz cumpleaños Krest de Acuario 08/02/21
Una cosa, crei que lo habia publicado el año pasado, pero resulta que en esta plataforma no.
Asi que digamos que si.
Krest de Acuario X Zaphiri de Escorpio.
Krest de Acuario X Itia De Libra
Kinktober 2021 por Breeze_18
No menores de 18 años; Reviews0Himuro e Izuki llevan algunos años saliendo y otro más viviendo juntos, así que tienen la suficiente confianza para comenzar a adentrarse en el mundo de BDSM.
Serie de drabbles y OS HimuIzu que siguen el Kinktober y el Flufftober de la página Es de Fanfics. Los personajes no me pertenecen, son de Tadatoshi Fujimaki.
KONOHAGAKURE por Yanel uchiha
No menores de 16 años; Reviews59Madara Uchiha por tener diferencias y ser expulsado de la nación más rica del mundo Konohagakure, rapta a sus dos sobrinos, para vengarse de su hermano mayor Fugaku Uchiha que es el actual emperador de Konohagakure, quien manda toda su tropa en busca de sus herederos, pero su búsqueda lo llevara por años.
Mientras en Sunagakure Raza No Sabaku se une a la búsqueda de los hijos de Fugaku Uchiha, brindando su apoyo, pues este sueña con unirse con Konohagakure por medió de un compromiso entre sus futuros monarcas, que serían sus primogénitos, al solo tener dos hijos donceles, es un blanco perfecto para las demás naciones que amenazan con invadir su nación.
En Kumogakure el monarca A Killer trata de contraer matrimonio con la única heredera de Iwagakure Kushina Uzumaki, con el pretexto de formar una unión y asi ser mas fuertes para derrocar a los Uchiha, Kushina decide escapar del reyno junto a la persona que ama Minato Namikaze el consejero del reino. Al saber esto A los manda a buscar para matarlos por traidores.
¿Qué pasará cuando los primogénitos sean grandes y sea toda una confusión cuando se sepa la verdad y surja el amor?
Parejas principales: Sasunaru / Itadei
Parejas secundarias: Saigaa y otros que tal vez surjan.
Kurai Yume por Silvia_Riffie
No menores de 18 años; Reviews5Naruto lleva meses teniendo extraños y oscuros sueños, pero no le toma importancia, pensando que no son nada en realidad
Sasuke está a cargo de la investigación de asesino en serie que mata a rubios de ojos azules.
Ellos fueron amigos en el pasado pero su lazo estaba roto, pero el destino los une nuevamente, Naruto es el único testigo de aquellas muertes, él las presencia en sus sueños...
Kijani por Akiko_y_Shizuka
No menores de 18 años; Reviews225Algunas razas se han perdido, otras lograron recuperarse, pero todas ellas tienen algo en común: tienen la oportunidad para alcanzar el equilibrio y la felicidad.
Nota: Continuación de Trhia
Los personajes Luc y Noah, pertenecen a Sao; Kanan y Aer, pertenecen a Galaxia; Yuki pertenece aLizzy y Kneck pertenece a Tëssa.
Beta: DKC
Katze por Arwen Diosa
No menores de 16 años; Reviews1El destino ha marcado un final...
Una historia de amor.
Puede convertirse en una de horror?
El tiempo acaba de comenzar, el tiempo no perdona.
En un abrupto final, muchos encuentran como empezar de nuevo.
Iason x Riki
Raoul x Katze
KND el regreso del sector V por OnwardLostDream
No menores de 18 años; Reviews0El ex-agente número 4, ahora llamado Wally, incia su vida después de que memoria fue borrada. Esto incia 3 años después de que eso paso. Llevando una vida solitaria sus problemas incian cuando el antiguo supremo líder de KND, 274 o Chad Dickson, ponen un ojo en el, hay todo su mundo de pondrá en un constante sube y baja.
King of Disaster, ChanBaek. por LenwaYi
Todos los publicos; Reviews1You got me spelling like a ballerina.
"¡Que lo vas a matar!"
Feelin' gangsta every time I see ya.
"Ha despertado"
You are the King, and baby, I'm queen of.
"No recuerdo nada"
ChanYeol acaba de despertar de un coma de 6 meses, pero para protegerlo, sus padres le cuentan una historia alterna, tratando de borrar cualquier recuerdo que traiga al menor la imagen del accidente que sufrió en Corea... Así borrando toda la historia de un año de su vida.
Ahora solo él sabe que estuvo una semana en coma y que fue producido por un ataque de pánico bastante fulminante.
Cosas del pasado influyen en el presente y el futuro puede que sea arruinado, ya que ChanYeol comienza a notar cosas tanto en su cuerpo como en su vida que no estaba y que tardan más de una semana en suceder.
"¿Qué pasará cuando ChanYeol lo recuerde todo?"
Koi no Yokan por TsubasaHatsukoi
No menores de 13 años; Reviews1Aquello que sientes cuando conoces a esa persona especial, y sabes que vas a amarla irremediablemente por el resto de tu vida...
Serie de One Shots de la Junjou Romantica.
Takahashi Misaki x Usami Akihiko.
KURAKU: Libro 2- Chi to rei ( Sangre y alma ) PARTE I: OROCHI MONOGATARI por Raziel Soul
No menores de 18 años; Reviews36Ha pasado bastante tiempo despues de la partida de Yagami hacia América... el comienzo de un nuevo capítulo se abre, los torneos The King Of Fighters dan comienzo y con ellos el reencuentro de dos caminos. El descubrimiento de nuevos amigos y enemigos... union u olvido...
Esta parte del libro II de Kuraku, se basará en lo que se refiere a la Línea de tiempo de Orochi :)
Los espero en la Parte II: NESTS CHAPTER.