Amor Yaoi
Fanfics yaoi en español
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Otros


Mañana por endora

No menores de 13 años; Reviews2
Resumen: Sus ojos azules observaban el paisaje a través de la ventana. Usualmente disfrutaba los viajes en tren.

Saint Seiya


Universo Alterno


134. Encuentro con su Destino (02) por dayanstyle

No menores de 18 años; Reviews12

continuación de....

133. Los Deseos de Yunsung (01) (Caballeros Oscuros)


Lee Jin Woo tiene la peor suerte con los hombres. No solo ha sido objeto de engaños varias veces, sino que su conexión más reciente confiesa que ya está en una relación. Jin Woo está tan cansado de eso. Él está harto de que le pisen el corazón. Pero cuando va al departamento de su amigo para quejarse de su último fiasco, Jin Woo es secuestrado por un extraño alto y musculoso que exige saber dónde vive Jin Woo.

Choi Jun Seong es un simple respaldo cuando su amigo va en busca de un Cazador. No había esperado encontrar a un hombre con pantalones cortos y zapatillas de tenis en el camino. Jun Seong lo agarra antes de que Jin Woo pueda entrar en una situación peligrosa, pero después de darse cuenta de que Jin Woo es su compañero, Jun Seong no planea dejar ir al pequeño y sexy jovencito.

Lástima que Jin Woo no quiera saber nada de él. Pero Jun Seong ve el anhelo en  los ojos de Jin Woo, y está decidido a mostrarle a su pareja que no todos los hombres son rompecorazones.


Choi Jun Seong x Lee Jin Woo 

Kinktober Multifandom 2022 por PinkuBurakku

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0

Sexo, avaricia, egoísmo, celos y perversión; todo en el mismo intento delirante e idílico de trama con nuestros finales felices preferidos.


#kinktoberm2022 #afangirlshipper #multifandom2022 #kinky

Yerro por zion no bara

No menores de 18 años; Reviews4

Shaka de Virgo atraviesa momentos complejos, pensaba que su vida era perfecta, pero la distancia y la soledad lo llevan al lado de otra persona, descubriendo que se pueden cometer faltas por equivocación o descuido, por soledad o por algo mas ¿Qué tan responsable será de sus yerros?


Kravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 por weetdent3

No menores de 18 años; Reviews1

nd the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and hpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out tpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courpending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because ambcge on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a cour


crypto mining

Stilinski Addams por minima

Todos los publicos; Reviews30

Los funerales siempre son una ocasión memorable, donde se reúne toda la familia para despedir una familiar o amigo, y conociendo a los Addams este tipo de eventos son inolvidables.

Faked World por Kunay_dlz

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Desperté en la cama de un hospital. Colapso nervioso dijo mamá, tanto estrés del trabajo dijo papá, como les contesté a sus preguntas, no comí, me empapé en mis fluidos, el médico les recomendó internarme en una clínica especializada en brindar ayuda psiquiátrica. Mis padres aceptaron, dijeron que necesitaba ayuda y que podría descansar todo lo que quisiera mientras ellos se hacían cargo de la empresa. Seguían hablando y hablando y mencionaron a los que estaban de luna de miel, dejé de prestarles atención, miré a la nada, luego cerré los ojos.



UNKNOWN por RoronoaD-Grace

Todos los publicos; Reviews56

A Aomine le gustaban las mujeres y sus sensuales curvas. Sin embargo, amaneció en la misma cama con un tipo al que no conocía. 

Kuroko no sabía que hacer para que Akashi se fijara en él, se preguntaba si debía continuar intentándolo o solo rendirse.








—Y más.

We could be bored together por Dra-chan

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Kaminari Denki tiene dos cosas entre manos: mucho tiempo libre y el supuesto ritual para invocar un demonio del sexo. Está solo, aburrido y cachondo. Resulta que invocar a un demonio igual de solo, aburrido y cachondo no es tan difícil como parece.


Boku no Hero Academia

#omf2022 #monsterlover #ilitiaforever

La libreta por elenaa

No menores de 16 años; Reviews1

Uzumaki Naruto, no imagino encontrarse con una muy peculiar libreta.


El clan de las mariposas por neko miri chan

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Una mariposa tiene una vida corta y efímera. Hermosa pero es casi como un instante. 
¿Y si la mariposa fue mancillada? Aún sigue siendo hermosa, y si por alguna razón sigue amando a quien le cortó las alas, enferma. 
Reita es un joven que a la corta edad de 23 años dirige uno de las familias Yakuza más poderosas de la región de Kanto. Un abuelo enfermo, una mano derecha hostil, una servidumbre atenta y un amante taciturno son los que componen su vida, el problema es que no puede recordarlos. 
Bienvenidos al clan de las mariposas. 

Infierno. por yuniwalker

No menores de 18 años; Reviews1
Resumen: El príncipe Gyo Seung-wan sedujo a su padre para sobrevivir.
El emperador, incapaz de superar el caos de su reino, se mezcló inesperadamente con su hijo.
Un día, mientras la noche estaba empapada de placer, Gyo Seung-wan comete una traición al decapitar a su padre. Y, para variar, esto termina en una situación en la que su hermano Kyodo, comienza a violarlo todas las noches para intentar que le ofrezca descendencia.
[Cuando la persona que tiene el sello del monarca y la persona que tiene el sello de las alas rojas, se encuentran, incluso una mujer y una mujer, un hombre y un hombre, dan a luz a un niño. Y ese niño llevará a este país a la paz.]

Obra Maestra por Liss83

Todos los publicos; Reviews1

Es una noche importante para el pintor Steve Roger.
En el corazón de Nueva York se presenta su mas reciente colección, aunque su obra maestra no se vaya a exponer jamás

Necesidad por nezalxuchitl

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0
Resumen: Thalim siente una gran necesidad... pero, ¿es solo por estar en celo?
Omegaverse, literatura erótica. Pache, BL, yaoi.

Sweet Dreams por Dra-chan

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Cada noche, Oikawa tiene "pesadillas" que le hacen levantarse con la entrepierna muy húmeda. En ellas, un ente con extremidades largas y escurridizas le hace cosas inenarrables y no está muy seguro si lo que más quiere es hacerse alguna clase de exorcismo o volver a dormir inmediatamente. Cuando una noche se niega rotundamente a dormir, esa cosa decide que las pesadillas también pueden aparecer cuando Tooru esté despierto.

Iwaizumi x Oikawa

#omf2022 #monsterlover #ilitiaforever

SNS Month 2022 por shiki1221

No menores de 13 años; Reviews1

Serie de drabbles con motivo de celebrar el SNS Month 2022. Historias cortas de todo tipo, algunas relacionadas entre sí y otras no.

Nada por endora

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0
Resumen: Gerard y Frank fumando bajo una farola.



No me dejes solo por Eira Baker

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Mihael solo quiere descubrir... ¿por qué lo eligió a él?

Near sun (NearxMello). 

Meronia (MelloxNear).

Ave Versus Cristus por Xora

No menores de 16 años; Reviews30

Las campanas resuenan con estruendo haciendo temblar las paredes de las solitarias calles a merced del Nocturno. La sangre que bebemos y el cuerpo que comemos traerá a nosotros el espiritu del Destructor y el Angel del Karma abrirá sus alas encarchadas con el fuego del infierno para condenar a todas aquellas almas abrazadas por el pecado. Ya vienen y no se detendrán. 

  AU Antichrist  



FLUFFTOBER 2022 por 5kn_akatsuki

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Respuesta al #Flufftober lanzado este año por el FB @Es de fanfics

Cupido siempre anda por ahí buscando flechar por una mirada, un roce o un poema. Aunque otras veces estará listo para revivir un viejo amor o darte uno de verano.