Amor Yaoi
Fanfics yaoi en español

Otros resultados: 12 Series


¿Es verdad que el primer amor es para siempre? por YiLing_Laozu

No menores de 18 años; Reviews1

Matt y Tai han estado juntos durante varios años, construyendo una relación basada en la confianza, el respeto y el amor mutuo. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, su relación comenzó a experimentar dificultades, así que tomaron la decisión de separarse un tiempo y conocer otras personas, pero ¿Se darían cuenta que fue un error o tal vez que debieron hacerlo hace mucho? 

Confesiones… ¿y confusiones? por Yakaylex2

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Una "atractiva morena" de ojos color chocolate le ha confesado sus sentimientos al inexperto Yamato Ishida y por alguna razón este accedió a salir con ella. Sin embargo, nunca le mencionó ni su nombre ni su clase, así que realmente Yamato no sabe nada sobre ella. ¿Y si era una femme fatale que solo lo quería para fines maquiavélicos? Cuando ella lo cita en cierto lugar para salir por primera vez, Yamato se dará cuenta de que las cosas pueden no ser realmente lo que parecen. ¿Qué hará nuestro protagonista con esta nueva relación?


Gender bender.

Lluvia sobre nosotros… por Yakaylex2

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Sentir su frío contacto sobre su cuerpo; en sus labios su húmedo y refrescante aliento y dejarse acariciar por ese movimiento salvaje y natural que tanto lo llenaría de alegría y de placer…

Aunque Kouichi no sabía si se refería a la lluvia o a él…

¿Té de jengibre o canela? por Yakaylex2

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0

¿Jengibre o canela? Es igual. A Kouichi le gustan los dos… Igual que Kouji y Takuya. Haría cualquier cosa con tal de vivir una experiencia tan candente como la que vio entre ellos dos… o con ellos dos.

TaKouji - Koukou - TaKouichi.

Por Alekay.

(Resubido por error en web).

¿Por qué no se lo has dicho? por Yakaylex2

Todos los publicos; Reviews1

"¿Por qué no se lo has dicho?" Esa siempre ha sido la misma maldita pregunta que le hacen sus amigos a Taichi. ¿Es que acaso no se dan cuenta de que no es tan fácil confesarle tus sentimientos a una persona? ¿ Y menos a Yamato?

Debo ser... por Gaib

No menores de 13 años; Reviews180

Te lo explicare asì para que lo entiendas mejor: Yo Tommoky Himmy, en esta nueva etapa de mi vida habia intentado ser alguien diferente, un ejemplo a seguir que queria hacer feliz a todos los demas.

Pero ya no, todo ha cambiado para mi. Hare todo lo que sea necesario, lo que este a mi alcance y lo que haga falta para saber la verdad. No me juzguen por como abandone mis ideales y me aleje de lo que consideraba mi nueva familia. Juzguenme por lo que pueda llegar a hacer, por todo lo que puede delimitar y cambiar mi imagen. Por todo lo que ustedes pueden llegar a conocer de mi vida.


-El conservo la ventaja que le dimos. Solo tienes que hacerlo sin errores – Menciono Takuya a mi espalda – Te pondré la venda. Prepárate –

-Bien – Alcance a pronunciar sin mucho ánimo. Me sentía bastante desanimado y desorientado. Cerré los ojos justo cuando sentía que el castaño apretaba la tela a mi cabeza.

-Te pondré en la línea. Konu ya casi llega – Sentí como Daji me empujaba ligeramente hacia algún sitio. Simplemente me deje llevar.

Aunque se alcanzaba a divisar unas cuantas fisuras iluminadas en medio de la tela. Mis ojos no podían enfocar con claridad y divisar realmente lo que se encontraba al frente de mi vista. Respire profundo intentando tranquilizar mis pensamientos… ¿Por qué ahora? Necesita concentrarme en lo que tenía que hacer, debía ganar esta carrera. Mas bien… No quería perderla.

No quería perder ninguna otra carrera en mi vida. La última vez que eso sucedió, sucedieron cosas que realmente me afectaron. ¡No señor! Esta es mi oportunidad de superarlo… Esta victoria mejorara mi vida, ayudara que mis nuevos amigos… ¿Amigos? ¿En serio lo eran? ¿En serio estarían para mi si perdiera? ¿Mis nuevos hermanos aun querrían a un perdedor como yo? No sería capaz de vivir de nuevo ese momento. Nadie sería capaz." –Cap. 52. Solo unos pasos en la oscuridad. Algo mas que una cuarta competencia. Parte II

Solo tengo una hora... por Yakaylex2

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0

Kouji Minamoto solo tiene una hora. ¿Por qué? Y sobre todo, ¿para qué?


No menores de 16 años; Reviews1

Taichi Yagami, el típico conquistador de mujeres, tiene un nuevo y atractivo roomie llamado Takeru Takaishi. ¿Qué les deparará el destino a nuestros protagonistas?

Hulu did not immediately respond to Fox News por bunshuro2

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Kravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimization

Una noche en vela... por Yakaylex2

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0

Kouichi pasa una noche en vela pensando en su confesión a Kouji ese mismo día. ¿Serán correspondidos sus sentimientos?

Nostalgia navideña… por Yakaylex2

Todos los publicos; Reviews1

Koushiro Izumi odia la Navidad porque siempre ha estado solo, pero una persona especial hará que cambie de opinión.

Mi primera vez con Kouichi… por Yakaylex2

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Kouji relata lo que le pasó en su primera vez con Kouichi…

Todo es ¿felicidad? por Yakaylex2

No menores de 16 años; Reviews1

Taichi reflexiona un poco sobre lo que ha traído a su vida el hecho de tener una relación de tres junto con Koushiro y Yamato.

Una bufanda roja… por Yakaylex2

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Miyako busca desesperadamente un buen obsequio para confesarle a esa chica especial sus sentimientos. ¿Lo hará?

Yuri / Girl xGirl

Mi árbol navideño… por Yakaylex2

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0

Kouji se prepara para pasar las festividades junto a su querido árbol Kouichi. Pero un evento en la salida de la escuela amenaza con arruinar su Nochebuena.

¡Estoy enamorado del mejor amigo de mi hermano! por Yakaylex2

No menores de 16 años; Reviews1

Un chico rubio llamado Takeru está enamorado del mejor amigo de su hermano. No habría problema de no ser porque el susodicho es el chico más fiestero y heterosexual que podría conocer. ¿Logrará conquistarlo?


Una fiesta de Halloween diferente… por Yakaylex2

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Cinco amigos solteros, esperan la tan popular fiesta de Halloween de Mimi Tachikawa, para confesar sus sentimientos a sus respectivos crush o al menos lograr pasar una noche de sexo desenfrenado con ellos, haciendo realidad sus fantasías más intensas. Pero quizá las cosas no salgan de la manera que ellos lo están planeando…


Personajes principales: Taichi, Takeru, Kouichi, Naruto y Chat Noir.



Angeles y Demonios por LuchoDigimon20

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Yggdrasil ha empezado del Proyect Ark usando un virus letal que eliminará cuanto Digimon se encuentre. Los Elegidos no podrán escapar a esta plaga.

Ken Ichijouji y Wormmon, dos víctimas de la plaga, renacerán en un mundo de oscuridad. La situación se complicará cuando se enteren que un viejo amigo inicia una revolución con implicaciones catastróficas y el Diablo empieze a acosar al Soñador.

Con el Destino de multiples mundos pendiendo de un hilo, estará en las manos de Ken, Takato y Ryo unirse para sobrevivir el cataclísmo. Una nueva era esta a punto de iniciar.




Crónicas "eróticas" de unos digielegidos. por Yakaylex2

No menores de 10 años; Reviews0

Porque la vida está llena de "situaciones" que vale la pena contar.

Niños... por Yakaylex2

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0

Taichi y Daisuke son unos chicos que viven en un estricto orfanato y que han comenzado una amistad particular con los hermanos Ishida - Takaishi. Pero la vida les ha preparado bastantes pruebas para que puedan estar juntos. ¿Lograran superarlas?