Amor Yaoi
Fanfics yaoi en español
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El amor imposible de Jason Reyner por HermesA

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

¿Alguna vez has tenido un amor platónico?

Seguro era el popular del colegio o tu mejor amigo cuya facilidad para sacarte sonrisas te atrapo ¿no es asi?

Pues este no es el caso de Jason Reyner, pues el se enamoró de una persona tan irrelevante como arisca.

¿Quieres saber quien es? 

Partiendo a una aventura por PinkuBurakku

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0


Bilbo Bolsón, un pequeño hobbit de la comarca, no estaba preparado para todo lo qué viviría después de salir de su acogedor y calmo hogar en busca de una aventura. No estaba listo para integrarse a ese grupo de catorce seres mágicos, mago incluido. Tampoco lo estaba para el frio, gritos, sangre o enemigos; ni mucho menos lo estaba para celos, miedo, locura o sexo furtivo; un amante, una familia y por supuesto no para el amor. Era solo un Hobbit, un doncel; un aventurero. Sin embargo, el destino pocas veces es cuerdo y lo ha arrastrado fuera de su comodidad para enseñarle, cuanto puede brillar el sol; atando su alma a su gemela, concedida incluso antes del nacimiento del mundo mismo. Esta es su aventura, la treta del destino donde se envolvió al fijar los ojos en un rey enano.



Saga: The Hobbit 

Mi primo y yo por shiki1221

No menores de 16 años; Reviews32

Resumen: El mejor jutsu de los Yamanaka salió mal y los pensamientos de todos los habitantes de la aldea quedaron al descubierto. ¿Cuáles profundos y oscuros secretos quedaron al descubierto?

AFFAIR por malchan

No menores de 16 años; Reviews1221

El atractivo hombre de traje que Kyan Novak conoció esa noche en el Zaphyr le atrajo de inmediato, sería la persona perfecta para calentar sus sábanas y olvidarse de quien le había roto el corazón.

¿Cómo esperar que ese affair de una noche se convertiría en... algo más grande de lo que era capaz de controlar?




Sí, esta historia es larguita, pero que eso no los desanime (siempre pueden parar de leerla, ne?)

Inmarcesible por Eira Baker

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Mihael estaba molesto. No quería a ese niño pequeño y pálido en su casa... porque le despertaba unos deseos que jamás había sentido. 

Meronia (MelloxNear).

Entre tu y yo hay un punto y aparte. por momu

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0


..... esa tan calurosa enemistad del que ambos se habían vuelto cómplices se instaló en Azul de tal forma que se había vuelto reacio a admitir una sola muestra de cortesía y al mismo tiempo el deseo que lo había condenado desde el principio lo contrariaba, porque ya no solo podía jactarse de sentir deseo, había una conexión entre ambos que siempre había aborrecido y ni siquiera odiandolo con todas sus fuerzas era capaz de deshacer....


Ninguno de los dos se tolera en lo mas minimo, sin embargo Azul no puede evitar sentirse atraido por esos ojos verdes. 

¿Por que no? por Merida Gafigan

No menores de 18 años; Reviews30

(Secuela de My Way) 
Doflamingo y Crocodile viven, como varios dirían, felizmente casados, o al menos eso parecía hasta que...
- ¡Eres un imbécil maldito flamenco! -.grito Crocodile furioso.-
- Pero es tan repentino Croco-chan ¿Por qué me pides eso? -.respondió Doflamingo confuso.-
- ¿Por qué no?...

Hulu did not immediately respond to Fox News por bunshuro2

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Kravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimizationKravitz's comment has received more than 1,360 likes and the pending keep the date mailings. nicole's cousin, amber, determined out that we had announced the date and referred to as nicole upset that we had booked a marriage on her wedding date. we were careworn because amber and her boyfriend were not even engaged, however she and her boyfriend claimed that they knew that turned into the date they were getting married. they have been going to do a courthouse wedding ceremony with their families, then wanted to come to our wedding ceremony.”
search engine optimization

Dicotomía entre páginas por luislittlemoster

No menores de 16 años; Reviews2

Las cartas era un método de comunicación antiguo,pensó el rubio durante esas horas de clases, ¿Quien escribía  en tiempos donde un mensaje en alguna red social era más directo que cualquier otra cosa? Los tiempos cambian, pero las situaciones permanecen en el tiempo, al igual que el amor. 


¿Que surgirá de un simple ejercicio de escritura, en las horas más aburridas de una clase?

La terapia de Clint por KoichiBielefeld18

No menores de 13 años; Reviews5

Después de muchas catástrofes y de muchos encuentros algo… inesperados, Clint decide obligar al dueño del problema a pagar sus terapias, ya que no aguanta más lo que está pasando en la torre.


No menores de 13 años; Reviews0

En este libro solo verán One Shot de nuestros querido patito, así que pueden ser pequeños escritos, pensamientos, parejas tanto yaoi como alguna que otra hetero, pero créanme el yaoi dominara mas.

Sin mas disfruten, pero sobre todo festejen al patito, que hoy es su día.

Los personajes le pertenecen a Masami Kurumada, lo mio es la historia

23/01/21 cumpliría 49 años Hyoga.

Ojos Cerrados por lizergchan

Todos los publicos; Reviews2

Morgan testigo de un hecho atroz. Le cuenta a Stephen lo que vio, y esto desata una pesadilla que podría destruir la tranquilidad y la sanidad mental, de más de un miembro de la familia Stark-Strange.

Yo quiero un mundo contigo por Eira Baker

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

Lo que menos esperaba Mello era descubrir que Near era un omega cuando esté tuviera su primer celo. 

Meronia (MelloxNear). Omegaverse.

132. Siguiendo al Destino (15) por dayanstyle

No menores de 16 años; Reviews10

continuación de... 

131. Encontrar la Fortaleza (24)


Después de una noche de discotecas, SiHa se encuentra en un Termina en un hotel abandonado y descubre a un tipo medio lío. Está huyendo de un tipo que quiere patearle los dientes.

muerto en una de las habitaciones. Y el chico es su compañero. SiHa llama a su mejor amigo para ayudarlo a arrastrar al chico a casa, pero ahora los Cazadores lo persiguen, y la vida de SiHa se voltea al revés.

Ho Yeon estuvo encubierto durante tres años, recopilando información sobre los Cazadores. Cuando su tapadera es volada, paga el precio final. Después de casi morir a manos de J.Y.Park, todo su cuerpo tiene cicatrices, y Ho Yeon piensa que es un monstruo, indigno del amor del zorro cambiante. Pero J.Y.Park busca venganza, Ho Yeon y SiHa deben correr por sus vidas.

¿Puede SiHa mostrarle a Ho Yeon que es digno de amor, o J.Y.Park terminará lo que comenzó?



Ho Yeon x Si Ha



Il bello y la bestia por peterpanwannabe

Todos los publicos; Reviews0

Con el pasar de los años el castillo envejeció y se cubrió en un eterno invierno, el pueblo y los cotizados invitados habían olvidado gracias a la magia de la bruja la si quiera existencia de un reinado, pero el personal de la casa por supuesto no olvidaba, sus vidas cada día ahora dependían del hechizo del rey, que con cada mes, menos fe tenían en algún día volver a ser humanos, pues ¿Qué clase de mujer podría amar a una bestia?

 ¿Pero, que tal si, quién pudiera amar aquella bestia, se trataba de un hombre?

Solo tú y nadie más. por Eira Baker

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

¿Mello enamorado de Near? ¿Qué clase de droga había consumido Matt para pensar eso? Era algo ridículo. Imposible. Una completa locura. ¿Pero que tan cierto podría ser? ¿Y por qué el corazón de Mello se aceleraba cada vez que veía a Near? ¿Y por qué Mello no podía despegar sus labios de los de Near? Espero que el sol y la luna se lleven bien.

Meronia (MelloxNear).

Una Foto (MiloXCamus Yaoi Lemon) CamIlo por AMMU TEIKOKU YUDAINA

No menores de 13 años; Reviews0

Las etapas de un enamoramiento, se va dando de a poco, una pareja de jóvenes, que veremos florecer su amor en cada ocasión.
Desde la escuela, hasta que su vida se logre unir y posiblemente el milagro de una vida.

Los personajes le pertenecen a Masami Kurumada, lo mio es la historia.

Fanfic dedicado a mi terrón de azúcar Alejandra_De_Libra, disfruta mucho a estos dos tórtolos.

Solo tú y nadie más. por Eira Baker

No menores de 16 años; Reviews0

¿Mello enamorado de Near? ¿Qué clase de droga había consumido Matt para pensar eso? Era algo ridículo. Imposible. Una completa locura. ¿Pero que tan cierto podría ser? ¿Y por qué el corazón de Mello se aceleraba cada vez que veía a Near? ¿Y por qué Mello no podía despegar sus labios de los de Near? Espero que el sol y la luna se lleven bien.

Meronia (MelloxNear).

JONGTAE ONE SHOTS (100% LEMON) por Caroand

No menores de 16 años; Reviews1

Como lo dice el título del fic, son sólo one shots JONGTAE. Si no les gusta el LEMON, abstenerce a leer.


Toy Boy 3 [KawoShin / KajiShin] por Tabuko

No menores de 18 años; Reviews0
Resumen: Shinji ya no soporta el castigo que su amo Kaworu le ha impuesto y Kaji aparece en el momento oportuno para ofrecerle una solución a su problema y hacerle una tentadora propuesta. El contrato con Nagisa está a poco de finalizar, ¿optará Shinji por su libertad o querrá someterse a un nuevo amo con mucha más experiencia?

Pairings: Kaworu Nagisa x Shinji Ikari (KawoShin) / Ryoji Kaji x Shinji Ikari (KajiShin).